The Olympic Games started very long ago, in Olympia, Greece. History tends to say that the games were first created by the gods, which competed against each other, showing off who was the best of the best. Back than, every participant would have to try each competition and the one obtaining the most points overall was declared as champion, The Champion. Now, each athletes have their own discipline, and the best ones maybe have two. Participating to the Olympics probably doesn't sound to you like something amazing, but when an athlete gives his life and time to work more than hard for a competition that is going to last 5 min or less or more depending, but so short compared to the time he took preparing himself for the big day, I think these athletes needs some recognition. This video link right here, http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=42PRLrEqcrM, is a video that I found on YouTube, and there is nothing said that is really important in the video, but it still is a great and very important video, because it represents the athletes, every athletes present that day, during the Montreal 1976 Games. Probably sounds weird, but these athletes are not doing this for the money, because back in the time, there was almost no money to win, but so much pride and glory. Being an athlete in the Olympic Games is more than being just an athlete, it is to be the best there is, doing your sport, and in life. Every great and clean athletes are great people also, and I think that it is really important for us to show them some appreciation.
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