This article from the Journal De Montreal, talks about the fact that the Olympic Games causes too many people to move from their houses. The director of the construction comity, Sui Zhenjiang, says that the number of people that would have to move which is estimated to 1, 5 million, is by far way too high. He also mentions that ‘’ environ 40 000 habitants sont déplacés chaque année ‘’every year, 40 000 people are moved and only 2 000 of them are concerned about loosing their house due to the Olympic Games and that they get a good enough compensation so that they don’t have to worry about anything. The people are wondering why Sui is denying such a fact, even if it is so obvious.
Personally, I do agree with the numbers brought to us by our reporters that walked around and asked the population what they thought about the subject. Many of them agreed that there would be a lot more people moved than what the director of construction said. In this article wrote by La Presse Canadienne, there are many proofs in the articles that leads to the truth such as the fact that since this article was release, last summer, more people than said have already been moved from their house, to new condos build expressly for them. The Olympic Games are such a big event now that people would do everything to make their city look as good as possible because they want the recognition from the whole world for giving them such a good time at the games. People should not be worried about loosing their homes if the Olympic Games are in their city, it just makes no sense, the Olympic Games are one of the best moment in the world, where so many supporters and fans are there to support their favorite athletes. Beijing being one of the most populated cities, moving that many people can lead to some confrontations between the population and the comity, and that is the last thing anyone would want before the big event.
One thing is for sure, you can’t deny such a fact and just hope that by saying: ‘’ la ville souhaite "protéger" ses quartiers historiques et conserver leur ambiance ‘’ (he wants to preserve and keep the old historical monuments and places because he likes the ambiance) that your city will not be angry at you, because the ambiance will definitely not be the same during the games. I don’t think that by turning his people against him, Sui is doing a great job, because those people are the ones that give life to the Games.